Call for Abstract

7th International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, will be organized around the theme “Study of novel organic theories to overcome the COVID-19 consequences”

Organic Chemistry 2020 is comprised of 19 tracks and 84 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Organic Chemistry 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Organic chemistry is the scientific approach to study the properties, structure and applications of organic molecules and compounds. Study of structures involves regulating chemical constitution and composition of organic materials and compounds through numerous chemical and physical methods, whereas the study of properties involves evaluation of chemical reactivity to understand the behavior of organic matter in its purest forms, if possible in mixtures, fabricated forms and solutions as well.

  • Track 1-1Applications of organic molecules and compounds
  • Track 1-2New scientific approaches to study the properties
  • Track 1-3Next Generation organic materials

Bioinorganic chemistry is the behavioral study of metalloproteins as well as artificially introduced metals including non-essential, in medicine and toxicology. As a mix of biochemistry and inorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry is important in elucidating the implications of electron-transfer proteins, substrate bindings and activation, atom and group transfer chemistry as well as metal properties in biological chemistry. Bioinorganic Materials and Nanotechnology session is mainly to phenomena and processes in combination of inorganic materials, nanomaterials and biological systems.

  • Track 2-1Inorganic Nanomaterials Synthesis
  • Track 2-2Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
  • Track 2-3Inorganic Nanocrystals
  • Track 2-4Application in protein-based hybrid materials

Bioorganometallic chemistry is the field involving the development of new drugs and imaging agents as well as the principles relevant to the toxicology or organometallic compounds. organometallic compounds which are used in medicine and diverse therapies is the platform to design the new radiopharmaceuticals.

  • Track 3-1Synthetic organometallic compounds
  • Track 3-2Organometallic ionophores
  • Track 3-3Organometallic pharmaceuticals
  • Track 3-4Co-factor regeneration
  • Track 3-5Applications of organometallic compounds in a biological context

Computational Chemistry is the area of chemistry which involves the use of computer simulation to predict, understand, or explain chemical reactivity and solving chemical problems. It uses methods of theoretical chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer programs, to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solids.

  • Track 4-1New Opportunities for the Organic Chemist in the Computer Age
  • Track 4-2Fundamentals of Molecular Orbital Computations
  • Track 4-3Non-Visual Molecular Shape Analysis
  • Track 4-4Molecular Modelling

Green chemistry, also referred to as property chemistry is a part of chemistry targeted on the planning of products and processes that minimize the utilization and generation of hazardous substances. Environmental chemistry focuses on the consequences of polluting chemicals on nature inexperienced chemistry focuses on technological approaches preventing pollution and reducing consumption of unrenewable resources. Green chemistry overlaps with all subdisciplines of chemistry however with a specific target chemical synthesis, method chemistry and chemical engineering in industrial applications. To a lesser extent the principles of green chemistry conjointly affect laboratory practices.

  • Track 5-1Impacts of chemical products and processes on human health and the environment
  • Track 5-2Analysis of Toxic Metals
  • Track 5-3Designs chemical products and processes to reduce their intrinsic hazards
  • Track 5-4Innovative scientific solutions to real-world environmental problems
  • Track 5-5Less hazardous chemical syntheses

It is a field of chemistry which involve the production of inorganic products on a large scale as well as chemicals that are used to produce high purity inorganics on a much smaller scale. The chemical industry is associated with intense competition for new markets. It is made up of companies of different sizes, including several giants that are engaged in the transformation of some very basic raw materials into final products, as well as medium-size or small companies that concentrate on very few of these steps.

  • Track 6-1Industrially Important Organo‐Silicon Compounds
  • Track 6-2Inorganic Pigments
  • Track 6-3Carbon Modifications
  • Track 6-4Inorganic Fibers

Metals is an important component for biological systems. As catalytic or structural cofactors, metal ions are critical to the function of up to an estimated one-third of all enzymes. Additionally, metals play diverse roles in biology. Not only do they operate in important biosynthetic pathways generating metabolic products, but also function as environmental toxins. Elucidating the important roles of metals in biological systems requires a multi-disciplinary approach at the interface of chemistry and biology. Bioinorganic Chemistry includes the study of both natural phenomena such as the behavior of metalloproteins as well as artificially introduced metals, including those that are non-essential, in medicine and toxicology. The discipline also includes the study of inorganic models or mimics that imitate the behavior of metalloproteins.

  • Track 7-1Coordination Chemistry of Natural Systems
  • Track 7-2Synthesis of Inorganic Materials
  • Track 7-3Structural Solid State Chemistry
  • Track 7-4Applications of transition metal catalyzed redox reactions in enzymes
  • Track 7-5 Catalytic mechanisms
  • Track 7-6Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysts
  • Track 7-7Electron Transfer in Enzymes

Bioorganic chemistry is a scientific discipline that combines both organic chemistry and biochemistry. However medicinal chemistry is the field which focuses on small organic molecules that encompasses synthetic organic chemistry and aspects of natural products and computational chemistry in close combination with enzymology, chemical and structural biology, together aiming at the development and discovery of new therapeutic agents. organic chemistry is used to explain how enzymes catalyze the reactions of metabolic pathways and why metabolites react the way they do. It is focusing to expand organic-chemical research on structures, synthesis, and kinetics in a biological direction.

  • Track 8-1Emerging advances and concepts in Medicinal Chemistry
  • Track 8-2Preparation and examination of biotherapeutics
  • Track 8-3Analysis and discussion on drug design
  • Track 8-4New disease targets
  • Track 8-5New drug discovery and design

Heterocyclic chemistry is the branch of organic chemistry dealing with the synthesis, properties, and applications of these heterocycles. Although heterocyclic compounds may be inorganic, most contain at least one carbon. While atoms that are neither carbon nor hydrogen are normally referred to in organic chemistry as heteroatoms, this is usually in comparison to the all-carbon backbone. It is characterized by the method, that some or all the atoms in their molecules are joined in rings containing at least one atom of an element other than carbon. Among the various clinical applications, heterocyclic compounds have a considerable active role as anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor drugs.

  • Track 9-1Application of the heterocyclic system to the synthesis of natural products
  • Track 9-2Insights into the biosynthesis of heterocyclic natural products
  • Track 9-3Methodologies for natural products
  • Track 9-4Chemistry and efficacy of natural products

Organic chemical engineering is a branch that applies physical sciences (physical science and organic natural science), life sciences (microbiology and organic chemistry), together with connected arithmetic and financial matters to deliver, change, transport, and appropriately utilize chemicals, materials and vitality.

  • Track 10-1Lewis dot structures, hybridization and geometry about atoms in organic molecules
  • Track 10-2Electrophilic aromatic substitution
  • Track 10-3Chemical process modeling

The process and methodologies involved in the determination of organic structures. The method is used in physical and analytical chemistry because of the unique spectra of atoms and molecules. As a result, these spectra can be used to detect, identify and quantify information about the atoms and molecules. There are different types of spectroscopic techniques which can be used to identify organic molecules.

  • Track 11-1Application on Isolation and purification of an unknown compound
  • Track 11-2Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy
  • Track 11-3Electronic spectroscopy

It is the field of organic chemistry that focuses on the relationship between chemical structures and reactivity, applying experimental tools of physical chemistry to the study of organic molecules. Specific focal points of study include the rates of organic reactions, the relative chemical stabilities of the starting materials, reactive intermediates, transition states, and products of chemical reactions, and non-covalent aspects of solvation and molecular interactions that influence chemical reactivity.

  • Track 12-1Understanding molecular structure and chemical reactivity in organic systems
  • Track 12-2Crystallography approaches
  • Track 12-3Thermodynamic calculations and quantum mechanical theory
  • Track 12-4 Theoretical and experimental approaches

Polymers play in different areas of chemistry- organic chemistry, chemical transformations, catalysis, polymer applications, and environmental issues. Its aim is to share and disseminate information between scientists dealing with synthesis and applications of polymers.

  • Track 13-1Understanding basic techniques for polymer characterization
  • Track 13-2Synthetic Polymers
  • Track 13-3Understanding of polymerization mechanisms
  • Track 13-4Understanding polymer structure/polymer property relationships

It refers to the study of the atoms related with the spatial arrangement of atoms within the molecules. Stereochemistry spans the entire spectrum of organic, inorganic, biological, physical and especially supramolecular chemistry. It includes methods to govern and describe these relationships and effect on the physical or biological properties and the way these relationships influence the reactivity of the molecules.

  • Track 14-1Physical transformations
  • Track 14-2Solid-gas reaction
  • Track 14-3Solid state photochemical reactions
  • Track 14-4Solid state thermal reactions
  • Track 14-5Analysis of 3 dimensional arrangement of molecules
  • Track 14-6Probe reaction mechanisms
  • Track 14-7Stereo selectivity in cyclic molecules

Analytical chemistry is the science of obtaining, processing, and communicating information about the composition and structure of matter. We can also say, it is an art and science of determining what matter is and how much of it exists. Analytical chemists use their knowledge of chemistry, instrumentation, computers, and statistics to solve problems in almost all areas of chemistry and for all kinds of industries. For example, their measurements are used to assure the safety and quality of food, pharmaceuticals, and water; to assure compliance with environmental and other regulations; etc.

  • Track 15-1Bioanalysis
  • Track 15-2Electrochemistry
  • Track 15-3Mass spectrometry
  • Track 15-4Microscale and nanoscale systems and structures
  • Track 15-5Environmental analysis
  • Track 15-6Instrumentation, imaging, surface analysis
  • Track 15-7Clinical analysis

Industrial Organic Chemistry examines all major industrial manufacturing technologies and reaction types with a focus on organic chemistry in general and petroleum refining. Providing 95 percent of the 500 billion pounds of organic chemicals produced in the world, the petroleum and natural gas industries are responsible for products that ensure our present quality of life.

  • Track 16-1Application in Petroleum and Petrochemicals
  • Track 16-2Polymers and Fine Chemicals

Flow chemistry is also known as continuous flow or plug flow chemistry. It involves the development and study of chemical reactions whereby reactants are combined by pumping fluids, including solutions of reagents, through tubes at known rates. Application of the flow technologies for the preparation of fine chemicals, such as natural products or Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), has become very popular.

  • Track 17-1Flow chemistry in inorganic, organic, analytical and process chemistry
  • Track 17-2Latest development on flow instruments
  • Track 17-3Biocatalytic or Biobased Flow Chemistry

Agricultural chemistry deals with both chemistry and biochemistry which are crucial in agricultural production, the processing of raw products into foods and beverages, and in environmental monitoring and remediation. It also deals with other means of increasing yield, such as herbicides and growth stimulants and serves as the scientific basis for introducing chemical processes into agriculture.

As a basic science it embraces additionally to test-tube chemistry; all the life processes through that humans acquire food and fiber for themselves and feed for their animals. As an engineering or technology, it's directed towards management of these processes to extend yields, improve quality and cut back prices.

  • Track 18-1Biochemistry and agrochemicals
  • Track 18-2Elementary calculus
  • Track 18-3 Weed biology and control
  • Track 18-4Biochemistry and metabolism
  • Track 18-5Environmental management

Combinatorial chemistry is a technique in which several millions of molecular constructions are synthesized and tested for biological activity. It is a trending method developed by researchers to reduce the time and cost of producing marketable and effective new drugs. This has captured attention in many areas including pharmaceutical chemistry bio technology and agro chemistry. The application is also so large that by producing larger and diverse compounds companies increase the probability that they will find novel compounds of significant commercial values. Thus, they are mainly focused on drug discovery process.

  • Track 19-1Dynamic combinatorial chemistry of molecules
  • Track 19-2Applications of combinatorial chemistry for drug discovery
  • Track 19-3Combinatorial Libraries
  • Track 19-4Combinatorial Technology
  • Track 19-5New Techniques in Combinatorial Chemistry