Rong Chen
Wuhan Institute of Technology, China
Title: Crystal Defect Mediation for Photocatalytic Molecular Oxygen Activation and Application
Biography: Rong Chen
The crystal defect is the region of parts of atoms being grown out of the periodic lattice structures peculiar to the crystal due to the external environment as it grows. For semiconductor materials, proper amount of crystal defects could greatly improve the photoelectric properties of materials, thus improving their catalytic activities. In this work, different crystal defects were successfully fabricated in bismuth-related nanomaterials by changing the reaction conditions, which realized the regulation of the activation of molecular oxygen, thus producing different reactive oxygen species (ROS). For example, the Z-scheme BiO1-XBr/Bi2O2CO3 photocatalytic system with rich oxygen defects, Ce-doped Bi2MoO6 system, Bi-loaded BiPO4-X system and Br-O-Bi ternary defects cluster system. The construction of crystal defects in bismuth-related materials effectively improved the photocatalytic performance, and showed a great potential in the application of the organic pollutants degradation and organic synthesis. The mechanism of the enhanced photocatalytic performance was also elucidated in depth.