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Huiping Zhao

Huiping Zhao

Wuhan Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, China

Title: g-C3N4 surface-decorated Bi2O2CO3 for improved photocatalytic performance: From theoretical calculation to practical antibiotics photodegradation in actual water


Biography: Huiping Zhao


To overcome the issue of UV-light response character of Bi2O2CO3 due to its wide band gap, we attempted to improve the photocatalytic activity of Bi2O2CO3 through g-C3N4 surface-decoration, which was primarily evaluated by the theoretical analysis. Subsequently, g-C3N4 surface-decorated Bi2O2CO3 was successfully prepared via a facile hydrothermal method. It was found that all the g-C3N4 surface-decorated Bi2O2CO3 samples exhibited enhanced activities for antibiotic tetracycline photodegradation compared with pure Bi2O2CO3 upon simulated solar light irradiation, among which the 10 wt% g-C3N4 surface-decorated Bi2O2CO3 sample showed the highest efficiency. Both first principle calculation and experimental data confirmed that the charge transfer at the interface between g-C3N4 and Bi2O2CO3 could significantly suppress the recombination of photo-generated electron-holes pairs, thus improving the photocatalytic performance. The mechanism for the enhanced photocatalytic activity was also proposed by the electrochemical measurement and PL testification result. Moreover, the g-C3N4 surface-decorated Bi2O2CO3 was explored for antibiotics treatment in actual water.