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Harnoor Singh Kaler

Harnoor Singh Kaler

Thapar Institute Of Engineering and Technology

Title: Optimization of rate of chemical reaction using nature inspired Optimization algorithms


Biography: Harnoor Singh Kaler


Chemical rection involoves transformation of reactant into product.Rate of chemical reaction is the measure of how fast these changes are taking place. Some rections occur very rapidly, others very slowly. For example,ionic reactions are very fast,while those taking place in water treatment plant may last upto few days.The speed at which the reaction happens is the rate of chemical reaction.If a chemical reaction has high rate, shows that molecule combines at ahigher rate than the reaction has slow rate. The rate of chemical reaction can also depends on type of molecules that are combining.If there are low concentration of an essential element or compund, the rection will be slower. In this paper we present optimized rate of chemical reaction using for different nature inspired algorithms i.e. random, Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization to maximize the rate of chemical reaction. Tests show that different algorithms perform significantly better for different reacions and have different convergence rate. In this paper we use a object oriented software tool named Cantera to calculate the rate of rection which uses modified Arrhenius equation.