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Kadda Benmokhtar BENSASSI

Kadda Benmokhtar BENSASSI


Title: Organic Chemical Engineering


Biography: Kadda Benmokhtar BENSASSI


Zinc oxide (ZnO) grown on the silicon (Si) substrates by spray pyrolysis, shown Herein; a comparative study We used several experimental methods that are compatible  with each other in order to ascertain the result in studying the physical characteristics of the surface by the photoluminescence PL and we use both characterized by XPS (X Rays Photoelectron Spectroscopy); and AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy), In addition to UPS (Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy) EELS (Electron energy loss spectroscopy) and AFM (Atomic force microscopy) Illustration of the picture and We have also made a comparison between several operations at the same time During each study to several processors.