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Kifah S. M. Salih

Kifah S. M. Salih

Qatar University

Title: Synthesis and Electronic Applications of Novel Conjugated Polymers Based on Thienylenevinylene and Thiophene-Phenylene-Thiophene


Biography: Kifah S. M. Salih


Global environmental and resource concerns dictate that future energy supply and security will become increasingly dependent upon the development of accessible, sustainable and scalable energy technologies. Intensive research efforts from both academia and industry have been dedicated in state-of-art solution-processed organic solar cells for the development of the next-generation solar cell technology. Owing to the readily available carbon feedstock as well as the numerous and flexible synthetic pathways, polymer solar cells (PSCs) gained tremendous attentions over silicon solar cell in the past decay due to development of low- cost and quick energy pay-back, solution processable, lightweight, and flexible/stretchable, large area photovoltaic panels.

Thienylenevinylene (TV) based conjugated materials have showed higher charge-carrier mobilities as a result of large planarity introduced by the vinylene group that is inserted between the two thiophene rings, moreover, it has an important role in lowering the band gap of the conjugated polymers. . In addition, electron rich thiophene-phenylene-thiophene fused ring based materials having different substituents like carbon, nitrogen, silicon and germanium could effectively tune the materials properties. Herein, we report the synthesis, characterization and optoelectronic properties of copolymers containing alkyl-substituted and un-substituted thienylenevinylene and thiophene-phenylene-thiophene.