Toshiki Aoki
Niigata University
Toshiki Aoki was born in Nagoya, Japan in 1958. He received his Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate Degree (1987) on synthesis and oxygen permeability of graft copolymers from oligosiloxane macromonomers in Department of Applied Chemistry at Nagoya University, Japan. He moved to Department of Applied Chemistry at Niigata University in1989. His carrier at Niigata University has included being Assistant Professor (1989), Associate Professor (1995), and Full Professor (2000). He worked as a visiting scientist at University of Southern California in 1998–1999. His research interest covers synthesis of functional polymers, including synthesis of new chiral polymers for permselective membranes. His recent interest is in synthesis and application of two-dimentional polymers using HSSP and SCAT reactions.
Research Interest
Applied Chemistry, polymers