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Don M. Coltart

Don M. Coltart

University of Houston, USA


Don Coltart obtained his Master’s degree from the University of Manitoba under the supervision of Professor James L. Charlton, and he then joined the research group of Professor Derrick L. J. Clive at the University of Alberta where he obtained his Ph.D.  His postdoctoral work was conducted at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as an NSERC, AHFMR, and CRI Scholar under the supervision of Professor Samuel J. Danishefsky.  Don began his independent career at Duke University in 2004 and moved to the University of Houston in 2012 where he is an associate professor.  His research group studies the development of methods for asymmetric carbon–carbon bond formation, the application of those methods to the total synthesis of structurally complex biologically active natural products, and the study of those compounds in biological systems.



Abstract : Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Chiral N- and O-Heterocycles