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Richard M. W. Wong

Richard M. W. Wong

National University of Singapore, Singapore


Richard Wong received his Ph.D. degree from Australian National University in 1989. Subsequently, he held postdoctoral position at IBM Kingston and Yale University. Currently, he is a full professor and head of department at the National University of Singapore. He was the recipient of Fukui Award recently on his outstanding work in theoretical and computational chemistry. Richard has published about 200 scientific publications, which received over 9300 citations and H-index of 43. His research interests include application of computational quantum chemistry to a range of chemical problems, include reactive intermediates, catalysis, materials design, chemical sensors, and weak intermolecular interactions. He is an international advisory board member of Asian Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis and Advanced Theory and Simulations.


Abstract : Application of Halogen Bonding to Organocatalysis