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Yuichi Shimazaki

Yuichi Shimazaki

Ibaraki University, Japan


Yuichi Shimazaki was born in 1970 in Toyama prefecture, Japan. He received his Doctor’s degree in science from Nagoya University in 2000 under the supervision of Professor Osamu Yamauchi.  He joined Professor Yoshinori Naruta’s group at Kyushu University as Assistant Professor and worked on the redox behavior of various metal porphyrin complexes as models of the active site of metalloenzymes.  In 2008 he was promoted to Associate Professor at the College of Science, Ibaraki University.  His research interests include the oxidation chemistry of the complexes of various metal ions, model studies of metalloenzymes, bioorganometallic chemistry, and weak interactions in metal-organic molecule systems.



Abstract : Oxidation Chemistry of Group 10 metal Diphenoxide Complexes