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Ragab Abd Eltawab

Ragab Abd Eltawab

Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt


Ragab Abd Eltawab Abd El-Latief is a Researcher in Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), Petroleum Applications Department at Asphalt Lab. He has publications of books entitled “Environmentally Friendly and Economical Road Construction”, “Manufacture of Specific Asphalt Binder for Use in Paving by using Waste and Low Cost Materials”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2014). He has a publication of a chapter in a book entitled "Using of Waste and Low Cost Materials in Manufacture of Specific Asphalt Binder for Use in Paving  Vol.2: Petrochemical of Adv. in Petroleum Engineering, Studium Press, LLC, USA. (2014). He is a Key Member of the project: Enhancing Sinai Population: Novel Modification of Soft Asphalt for Use in Roadway Network Development and Infrastructure Applications.


Abstract : Bio- modified Asphalt Binder via Using Waste Oils and plastic Wastes as Eco- friendly and Sustainable Modifiers